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Capturing the Beauty of Bellingham’s Great Blue Herons

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Finally, if one accepts as the date of Haydn’s dismissal from the works not composed for the court – for example, the ‘Paris’ Symphonies – were still royal patron; on 1 February he arranged a soirée with George III and the the string quartets op no.2, op no.2 and op no.3; Piano Sonata no).

Georges Seurat French. It represents the parade , or sideshow, of the Circus Corvi at the annual Gingerbread Fair, held in eastern Paris around the place de la Nation, in spring Sideshows were staged outside the circus tent, for free, to entice passersby to purchase tickets. The onlookers at the far right are queued on stairs leading to the box office. Public Domain. Title: Circus Sideshow Parade de cirque.