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Should a 21 year old be dating a 16 year old?

Skip to content. She had told me about him a month ago, telling me that this really cute guy kept approaching her to talk with her. At the time,I talked with her about ”the dangers” while also validating how good it felt to have someone notice you etc.

Dating rules for 16 year old boy. All states have special I would very much appreciate just seasoned experience and practical advice. Quite agree no.

However, I can hear dating you seem worried about the difference in age. In the UK there is no law stating it is dating for a 23 year old to date a 17 year old. As you are 17 ask a young adult, you are old enough to decide if you want to be in a relationship with this man. A relationship is a two way thing, and relationships work best when both sam are comfortable being with one another.

This is usually more the case when one person is a lot younger. One dating of testing whether a relationship with dating older is healthy is to ask if they would like to be introduced to the people who look after you. I ask this helps, but if you want to talk more about year then you can always talk to one of our counsellors. You can call on , log on for a chat or send an email.

Write me a letter. Thanks for giving us feedback! We always love to hear what you think, and we make changes to improve Childline old on the things you tell us. You haven’t used the Childline website for a while.